Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Everything I've Always Wanted To Say

This is to all the fake ass bitches out there...

First off, your convenient excuses for the shit that you did might get by with everyone else. However, there are some of us who saw the truth, and know it for exactly what it was/is. Yet, you act like your hands are clean enough to talk about everyone else. That's a fucking joke and a half. You don't have the balls to say anything to my face, just behind my back to your joke of a friend who also has no balls. There are some people who apparently focus way too much on my life instead of their own yet blame me of the same thing. I wouldn't want what either of you have, you couldn't pay me to take it, so please save yourselves the breath of acting like what you have/want is what I 'wish' I could.

I love this image people have in their head of what my life is like and why theirs (or they) are better. LOL I don't even know where to begin on that one so I won't.

I'm not bitter and hateful enough about my life or myself to attack you unless attacked first. Think long and hard about that. If only they knew, I have what they really want ;) BUT that's another story LOL I think I played I win in that game too.

The fact is that what you find acceptable or perfect in your life, I wouldn't wish for in mine. I have all that I want/need and I know who I REALLY am, what I've really done and what I've REALLY been through. Your view is skewed by hatred and so far from the outside you don't seem to understand. You make up stories to act like you have any idea of what I've been through but the truth is I've talked to the people you talk about, and their story is very different than yours. There's a reason there are so few who are loyal to you. You take your anger out on people for your own failings and shortcomings because you're jealous of what they had that you now wish you could have to the point of trying to convince yourself it's real every month.

I don't act like my life, or I, am perfect. I just live and do what I do. Your opinions can be whatever they want. Maybe everyone should take a very hard look at themselves and their daily habits before they judge mine. I have fun in whatever I do but I also take care of my responsibilities. Until you have done what I have done ALONE then you will never know. You can say you do all you want. But, you don't. Working hard on everyone elses dime, or raping the system because of some BS makes you the same as the person you presume I am and may I add, leaves you no room to talk. Oh congrats, you did something on your own? For once?! Here's a cookie.

The games and shit talk are cute. If you REALLY knew what was going on, you'd hate me even more lol it makes me giggle on the inside. Keep on being so bitter about your life you have to watch everything I do and say and talk about it amongst yourselves. I think it's funny, and I think it's cute. Above all, it's why I've cleared a lot of useless people out of my life. I'm tired of hearing their daily drama about fucked up people in fucked up situations. I'm out living while you're busy trying to convince yourself and everyone else that you're not really who you REALLY are.

LOL Deuces! Winning!

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