Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Don't Get It

Everyday, I start to wonder more and more what exactly is wrong with some people. It annoys me when people constantly play the victim, or even more the victim who has had to overcome so much. Woe is me. Who thrives off of sympathy? It's friggin' annoying as hell to watch when you know some of the things these people are saying are BLATANT lies and stories blown out of proportion. The most frustrating part is watching the people who believe this BS get taken advantage of and used the way so many others have been by those people before. It makes me want to punch things. Everyone wants a pat on the back for things they've never really done. WTF? Is there any gratification in getting that? I don't understand, probably never will. I'm just sick of hearing it so I'm tuning them out of my life. Everyone has to draw a line somewhere don't they?