Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I'm really curious as to why people seem to think that THEIR problems are my number one priority in life. Why is it that people think that whatever they have going on 1) I have to deal with for them or help them deal with and 2) that I should drop whatever I'm doing in my life to take care of their crap.

I have a boat load full of my own problems without everyone on my ass about why I haven't taken time out to sit and bullshit with them about their lives or gossip or whatever. I have my entire life to change and rearrange and work out and that is my ONLY focus right now. My life keeps me busy enough for 10 people so I don't need anyone else's shit on my plate as well.

Then, to top that off, I'm getting really tired of two faced people. I have discovered that the more you do to help people the more they walk all over you, take advantage and screw you over. I'm really confused as to why this is because if I had people doing those things for me I sure as hell would be good to them. I don't know where everyone got the idea that people and/or life owes them something if they're having a hard time because here's a HUGE secret. No one owes you anything. No one owes any of us anything and life especially does not owe us anything.

So, here's something to start with: I'm tired of your dog food horses, I'm tired of your crap, I'm tired of whining and bitching about stupid shit, I'm tired of hearing your problems not because you need a shoulder or an open ear but because you want me to fix them, I'm tired of people expecting me to fix their lives for them, etc etc...

I am done, and have been done for a while, worrying about other people and their crap. No one seems to be liking this change and I'm sorry, that must really suck for them but oh well. Find someone else to give you handouts, be a good friend, take care of crap for you and help you fix your life cause it sure as hell won't be me anymore. The ignore button is a beautiful thing.

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