Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's Been A While

It's been a long time since I've written anything on here.  Honestly, I kind of forgot I had a blog.  LOL

SO much has gone on that it'd take a long, long time to catch up so I won't.  Instead, I'll just say that it's been an experience and a wild ride and there were some great times, some bad times but either way I'm here and I'm doing alive.

Things are going fairly well considering all the changes in the past few months and even more to come but I'm SUPER excited.  By this time next year, we'll be looking to buy a house, all the bills will be paid's gonna be nice.

Not to mention, RRR is growing and improving by leaps and bounds.  It's taken a lot of hard work but it's all coming together.  Finally.

I'm happy, things are's life.  =)

I don't really have anything to bitch about.  I'm getting into deployment mode getting ready for Rob to deploy  yet again as a civilian contractor (and I thought I was done with this lol) but this time it'll actually be worth it as much as it might suck.  It's going to be a good summer and fall will be even better, I have a lot of big plans and in a year from now...things are going to be awesome.

I've also got to stop surrounding myself with so many crazy dog rescue people.  I can't handle all the nuttiness.  I want to TRAIN dogs, mostly as service dogs for Soldiers.  I don't need all the crazies around to do that.  I'm changing up the game and if no one else is in, then I'll do it myself.  I'm ok with that.  I'm getting back to a lot more ME and a lot simpler way of doing things.  It is what it is.  The one thing we all know is I speak my mind and people can either take it or leave it.  I just do what I do.

Anyway, that's about all for tonight.  I need to start writing more again but that'll come soon enough.

Until next time...

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