So, I started the process of making changes that I hope will make me happier in life. They're big, really big, but I don't want to talk about all of them. The basis is this...things change, life changes, people change. On some level though, it all is still really the same.
I have done a lot of soul searching lately. That coupled with brutal honesty will either make everything better or break it apart but either way, I have faith things will work out just the way they're meant to be. Is there really any other option?
For the first time in a VERY long time...I feel alive, I feel like myself, I feel happy, I feel sad....I feel. And THAT is what I have been wanting and missing even if I didn't realize it. And feeling, no pun intended, feels good.
I'll write more later but I had to get that out. I wanted to let people know. At this point, I don't care any more about how others feel about my decisions. We all only get ONE life. There are no repeats, no replays, no do overs or restarts. ONE. And it's what we choose to do with that one that is the most important thing. Making ourselves happy will make those around us happy. My choices are my choices and no one can judge them, until they have walked in my shoes.
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